Thursday, July 16, 2009

My baby girl is now 7months and two weeks old yippee:)

Every new mummy's dream?

Is it every new mummy's dream to design there own baby product so they can work from home?It seems to be for me.

I am even working on a prototype now :). A design born of necessity for myself and hopefully by other mummy's!.

My idea's story ...
I live in australia and it is currently winter so both my little baby girl and i get cold. i am wrapped up warm in my bed but i noticed no matter how snuggly i tucked her into her bed she woke up with icy hands!( which is a common complaint from my breastfeeding friends!) i tried her many mittens, turning the cuffs over on her wondersuits(squished hands not happy!) etc but nothing worked or stayed on.

Aa haa...why not try and try it fast!
I was thinking what can i do to help her? and how fast can i do it?. I am not the greatest knitter but i suddenly thought i could not just her mittens but special ones and so i did and it worked in theory. I was so excited and got to working on it straight away. It only took two days from the thought to the finished practical prototype to be in use. It was urgent and she needed my help!

Works well...needs fine tuning :)
My baby girl is wearing them right now and has been for a month at least. i can see the faults and the good parts and i am working on a better version.

i am even thinking of a name and have been doing research through friends and my baby health nurse. So far the feedback has been great and positive and i am told i can put up an ad to sell it in a very useful place( community noticeboard at the maternal child health centre) as well as other places both online and offline etc!.
Brainstorm and do and keep on doing...
I just need to brainstorm and research locations and ideas :).I then need to get it out there...asap( i have deadline dates)... deadlines helps a dream become reality as well as more real to me!

A sense of achievement and potential rewards for the future
I feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction for helping my baby girl wake up with warm hands as they don't slip of during the night( most nights they truly stay on). It is exciting to think i could of found a way to do what i have been wanting to do, both help my baby girl and potentially others and get a foot in the door into my own home business dream/wish/goal. Baby steps!!! every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single baby steps! or my in my case baby hands :).

I will never settle on my laurels... keep tweeking and enjoy the journey's progresses
+The harder i work the luckier i get...
speaks for itself except to say creating goals and having challenges and achieving them feels exciting and is rewarding in many ways which encourages further determination on my part to keep on moving and improving as well as enjoying myself at the same time along the way:).

i will keep you updated...
if someone sees this humble post of mine i hope you enjoyed it and maybe inspired to go after a little dream of your own. maybe we can stay in contact and give updates about our fun journeys? :) !!!
goodnight and good fortunes to all :)